
Overview: For each question, show your R code that you used to answer each question in the provided chunks. When a written response is required, be sure to answer the entire question in complete sentences outside the code chunks. When figures are required, be sure to follow all requirements to receive full credit. Point values are assigned for every part of this analysis.

Helpful: Make sure you knit the document as you go through the assignment. Check all your results in the created HTML file.

Submission: Submit via an electronic document on Canvas. Must be submitted as an HTML file generated in RStudio.


For this assignment, we will be using daily climate time series data in the city of Delhi between 2013 and 2017. This data was found on Kaggle and was collected from Weather Underground API.

Below is a preview of the 2 datasets. The tibble named DELHI.TRAIN contains daily temperature, humidity, wind speed, and pressure measurements from 2013 and 2016. The tibble named DELHI.TEST contains the same information for 2017. The purpose of the test set is to evaluate our conclusions from analyses done on the train set.

DELHI.TRAIN=as.tibble(read.csv("DailyDelhiClimateTrain.csv"))[-1462,]    #DO NOT CHANGE
DELHI.TEST=as.tibble(read.csv("DailyDelhiClimateTest.csv"))              #DO NOT CHANGE
head(DELHI.TRAIN)                                                        #DO NOT CHANGE
## # A tibble: 6 × 5
##   date       meantemp humidity wind_speed meanpressure
##   <chr>         <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>        <dbl>
## 1 2013-01-01    10        84.5       0           1016.
## 2 2013-01-02     7.4      92         2.98        1018.
## 3 2013-01-03     7.17     87         4.63        1019.
## 4 2013-01-04     8.67     71.3       1.23        1017.
## 5 2013-01-05     6        86.8       3.7         1016.
## 6 2013-01-06     7        82.8       1.48        1018
head(DELHI.TEST)                                                         #DO NOT CHANGE
## # A tibble: 6 × 5
##   date       meantemp humidity wind_speed meanpressure
##   <chr>         <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>        <dbl>
## 1 2017-01-01     15.9     85.9       2.74          59 
## 2 2017-01-02     18.5     77.2       2.89        1018.
## 3 2017-01-03     17.1     81.9       4.02        1018.
## 4 2017-01-04     18.7     70.0       4.54        1016.
## 5 2017-01-05     18.4     74.9       3.3         1014.
## 6 2017-01-06     19.3     79.3       8.68        1012.

Follow the steps to accomplish specific tasks, and do not modify code on lines with the comment #DO NOT CHANGE. Add code in R code chunks wherever you see COMPLETE. Follow instructions in each problem. If I ask you to create a loop, then you must create a loop. If I ask you to use if-else, you must use if-else.


Part 1: Cleaning Data

We want to start by cleaning the two datasets.

Q1 (2 Points)

Observe how the following code applied to DELHI.TRAIN creates a “date” variable, splits up the original date variable into year, month, and day, converts thee previously mentioned variables to numeric, renames the weather variables, and then selects variables we want.

DELHI.TRAIN %>%                                                    #DO NOT CHANGE
  mutate(Date = as_date(date)) %>%                                 #DO NOT CHANGE
  separate(date,into=c("Year","Month","Day"),sep="-") %>%          #DO NOT CHANGE
  mutate_at(1:3,as.numeric) %>%                                    #DO NOT CHANGE
  rename("Temperature"="meantemp","Humidity"="humidity",           #DO NOT CHANGE
         "Wind"="wind_speed","Pressure"="meanpressure") %>%        #DO NOT CHANGE
  select(Date,Temperature,Humidity,Wind,Pressure,Year,Month,Day)   #DO NOT CHANGE
## # A tibble: 1,461 × 8
##    Date       Temperature Humidity  Wind Pressure  Year Month   Day
##    <date>           <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 2013-01-01       10        84.5  0       1016.  2013     1     1
##  2 2013-01-02        7.4      92    2.98    1018.  2013     1     2
##  3 2013-01-03        7.17     87    4.63    1019.  2013     1     3
##  4 2013-01-04        8.67     71.3  1.23    1017.  2013     1     4
##  5 2013-01-05        6        86.8  3.7     1016.  2013     1     5
##  6 2013-01-06        7        82.8  1.48    1018   2013     1     6
##  7 2013-01-07        7        78.6  6.3     1020   2013     1     7
##  8 2013-01-08        8.86     63.7  7.14    1019.  2013     1     8
##  9 2013-01-09       14        51.2 12.5     1017   2013     1     9
## 10 2013-01-10       11        62    7.4     1016.  2013     1    10
## # ℹ 1,451 more rows

Create a function named clean.func() that takes one argument called “data” and then does everything from the code above. We want to generalize the code above so we can run the function on both datasets DELHI.TRAIN and DELHI.TEST. We want to use this function to modify both original datasets DELHI.TRAIN and DELHI.TEST to TRAIN.CLEAN and TEST.CLEAN, respectively. We can do this since both of the orginal datasets are organized the same way and have the same variable names.

Code and Output:

clean.func = function(COMPLETE){                                    



Q2 (2 Points)

In the following code, I create a numeric vector called month that contains values 1 for January and 2 for February. Observe how the following code rewrites over the original numeric vector month to a categorical vector with the names of months rather than the original numbers.

month=c(1,2,2,1,2,2,1,2,1,2)  #DO NOT CHANGE

if(month[1]==1){          #DO NOT CHANGE
  month[1]="January"          #DO NOT CHANGE
} else if(month[1]==2){       #DO NOT CHANGE
  month[1]="February"         #DO NOT CHANGE
}                         #DO NOT CHANGE

if(month[2]==1){          #DO NOT CHANGE
  month[2]="January"          #DO NOT CHANGE
} else if(month[2]==2){       #DO NOT CHANGE
  month[2]="February"         #DO NOT CHANGE
}                         #DO NOT CHANGE

if(month[3]==1){          #DO NOT CHANGE
  month[3]="January"          #DO NOT CHANGE
} else if(month[3]==2){       #DO NOT CHANGE
  month[3]="February"         #DO NOT CHANGE
}                         #DO NOT CHANGE

print(month)                 #DO NOT CHANGE
##  [1] "January"  "February" "February" "1"        "2"        "2"       
##  [7] "1"        "2"        "1"        "2"

Create a function called month.func that has one argument month (this would ideally be a numeric vector with discrete values 1 through 12) and rewrites over the initial vector month to contain month names from “January” to “December” rather than numbers.

After creating two new datasets identical to the previous datasets, we rewrite over the original variables named Month using our new function applied to the old variable. The “dollar sign” can be used to access variables from datasets and even create new variables from datasets.

Code and Output:

month.func = function(month){     

TEST.CLEAN.2$Month=month.func(TEST.CLEAN$Month) #DO NOT CHANGE

Q3 (2 Points)

Currently, the data is sorted by date starting with January 1, 2013. Our goal is to change all of the numeric values for day to “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”, Thursday”, etc. Run the following code line-by-line and observe how the rep()function works.

rep(c("Bill","Ted"),times=5)        #DO NOT CHANGE
##  [1] "Bill" "Ted"  "Bill" "Ted"  "Bill" "Ted"  "Bill" "Ted"  "Bill" "Ted"
rep(c("Bill","Ted"),each=2,times=4) #DO NOT CHANGE
##  [1] "Bill" "Bill" "Ted"  "Ted"  "Bill" "Bill" "Ted"  "Ted"  "Bill" "Bill"
## [11] "Ted"  "Ted"  "Bill" "Bill" "Ted"  "Ted"
rep(c("Bill","Ted"),length.out=11)  #DO NOT CHANGE
##  [1] "Bill" "Ted"  "Bill" "Ted"  "Bill" "Ted"  "Bill" "Ted"  "Bill" "Ted" 
## [11] "Bill"
rep(c("Bill","Ted"),length.out=12)  #DO NOT CHANGE
##  [1] "Bill" "Ted"  "Bill" "Ted"  "Bill" "Ted"  "Bill" "Ted"  "Bill" "Ted" 
## [11] "Bill" "Ted"

Now, you must use the rep() function to overwrite the Day variable replacing the day of the month with the name of the day. For this, it is important to know that the first day in the training set is a Tuesday. Assume there are no days missing data between the first observation in the training set and the last observation of the testing set. Also, notice how the last observation in the training set is December 31, 2016, and the first observation in the testing set is January 1, 2017. If you don’t use the rep() function you will get 0 points.

Code and Output:



unique(TRAIN.CLEAN.3$Day[c(1,1461)]) #DO NOT CHANGE
unique(TEST.CLEAN.3$Day[c(1,114)]) #DO NOT CHANGE

Q4 (2 Points)

I want you to create a function called cels.2.fahr() that converts a temperature (or vector of temperatures) measured in Celsius to the equivalent temperature(s) in Fahrenheit. Google the formula necessary for this conversion.

Code and Output:


TRAIN.FINAL$Temperature=cels.2.fahr(TRAIN.CLEAN.3$Temperature) #DO NOT CHANGE
TEST.FINAL$Temperature=cels.2.fahr(TEST.CLEAN.3$Temperature) #DO NOT CHANGE
TRAIN.FINAL$Temperature[1:10] #DO NOT CHANGE
TEST.FINAL$Temperature[1:10] #DO NOT CHANGE

Part 2: Statistical Programming Problems on Cleaned Data

Q1 (4 Points)

We want to approximate the 95% confidence interval for the average humidity of each combination of month and day. Use the formula, \(\bar{x}\pm 2*s_x/\sqrt{n}\). In this formula, \(\bar{x}\) would be the average humidity for all observations in a specific month and specific day. Likewise, \(s_x\) is the sample standard deviation of the humidity for all observations in a specific month and specific day.

We want to get a 95% confidence interval for every combination of month and day. To do this, we want to create two matrices LB.HUMID.TRAIN and UB.HUMID.TRAIN that will contain the lower bound and upper bound of each confidence interval, respectively. We start by creating these two matrices full of missing values.

Use a double loop to fill in each matrix with the appropriate bound of the confidence interval for each combination of month and day. For example, the element in row 1 and column 1 of LB.HUMID.TRAIN should contain the lower bound of the 95% confidence interval for the average humidity for all Mondays in January. Likewise, the element in row 2 and column 2 of UB.HUMID.TRAIN should contain the upper bound of the 95% confidence interval for the average humidity for all Tuesdays in February.

Hint: Notice the loop goes from 1 to 12 and 1 to 7, but you will need to figure out how to convert these numbers to the appropriate months and days in words to filter the data since we cleaned the data to show the words only.

Code and Output:

rownames(LB.HUMID.TRAIN)=c("January","February","March","April","May","June",         #DO NOT CHANGE
                         "July","August","September","October","November","December")  #DO NOT CHANGE
colnames(LB.HUMID.TRAIN)=c("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday",        #DO NOT CHANGE
                         "Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday")  #DO NOT CHANGE

rownames(UB.HUMID.TRAIN)=c("January","February","March","April","May","June",         #DO NOT CHANGE
                         "July","August","September","October","November","December")  #DO NOT CHANGE
colnames(UB.HUMID.TRAIN)=c("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday",        #DO NOT CHANGE
                         "Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday")  #DO NOT CHANGE

#Run this code and think about what it is doing

for(j in 1:12){    #DO NOT CHANGE
  for(k in 1:7){   #DO NOT CHANGE
  }                #DO NOT CHANGE
}                  #DO NOT CHANGE


Q2 (4 Points)

Run the following code line-by-line and observe what is happening. I am calculating the proportion of the measures that are within the interval based on the lower bound and upper bound.

lowerbound=30 #DO NOT CHANGE
upperbound=50 #DO NOT CHANGE

measures = c(23, 40, 51, 68, 72, 63, 19) #DO NOT CHANGE

mean(measures > lowerbound & measures < upperbound) #DO NOT CHANGE
## [1] 0.1428571

The object PROP.HUMID.TEST is a matrix of the same size as LB.HUMID.TRAIN and UB.HUMID.TRAIN. For each combination of month and day, I want you to calculate the proportion of time the observed humidity in the test set TEST.FINAL is within the 95% confidence interval for the population mean that was estimated from the training set. For example, the element in the third row and fourth column of PROP.HUMID.TEST should tell you what proportion of all the Thursdays in March for the year 2017 had a humidity between the element in the third row and fourth column of LB.HUMID.TRAIN and the element the third row and fourth column of UB.HUMID.TRAIN.

You will notice that there are missing values after April and this is because the data in TEST.FINAL only contains data until the April. I want to see the missing values. Also, you should notice that the proportions are extremely small. This should not alarm you because this illustrates a classic misunderstanding of what a confidence interval does. The confidence intervals we calculated in the previous question. inform us on where we think the average humidity is for a specific month and day. Therefore, I may say that I am 95% confident that the average age of all students at UNC is between 19.5 and 22.3 years old, but this DOESN’T mean that 95% of students at UNC are between 19.5 and 22.3 years old. Therefore, I wouldn’t use this interval to predict the age of a UNC student since it is very unlikely that student’s age is in that interval unless they ARE the average student.

Code and Output:


rownames(PROP.HUMID.TEST)=c("January","February","March","April","May","June",         #DO NOT CHANGE
                         "July","August","September","October","November","December")  #DO NOT CHANGE
colnames(PROP.HUMID.TEST)=c("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday",        #DO NOT CHANGE
                         "Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday")  #DO NOT CHANGE

for(j in 1:12){         #DO NOT CHANGE
  for(k in 1:7){        #DO NOT CHANGE
  }                     #DO NOT CHANGE
}                       #DO NOT CHANGE 

Q3 (4 Points)

Skewness can be measured by dividing the difference between the sample mean and the sample median by the sample standard deviation. Mathematically, this can be written as \(Skew = \frac{\bar{x}-MEDIAN_x}{s_x}\).

In the dataset TRAIN.FINAL, we have daily temperatures for the years 2013 to 2016 and months January to December. The empty matrix SKEW.TEMP.TRAIN contains 4 rows for the 4 different years and 12 columns for the 12 different months. I want to replace the NA’s in SKEW.TEMP.TRAIN with the estimated skewness of all temperatures from TRAIN.FINAL for each combination of year and month. For example, the element in the 3rd row and 8th column of SKEW.TEMP.TRAIN should contain the skewness (based on formula) calculated on all daily temperatures from August 2015.

In this loop, I want you to loop through the years and the month names instead of 1:4 and 1:12. You need to figure out how to convert the year and month to appropriate numeric values for saving the skewness into SKEW.TEMP.TRAIN

Code and Output:


#Run this code and think about what it is doing
which(unique(TRAIN.FINAL$Year)==2015)   #DO NOT CHANGE
which(unique(TRAIN.FINAL$Month)=="August")   #DO NOT CHANGE

for(j in 2013:2016){                     #DO NOT CHANGE
  for(k in unique(TRAIN.FINAL$Month)){   #DO NOT CHANGE
  }                     #DO NOT CHANGE
}                      #DO NOT CHANGE


Q4 (2 Points)

The apply() function is very helpful for applying functions to rows or columns of matrices. Google this function to see examples of how it is used.

Use apply() with the function mean() to create a vector called AVG.SKEW.per.YEAR that contains the average of each row in SKEW.TEMP.TRAIN.

Use apply() with the function mean() to create a vector called AVG.SKEW.per.MONTH that contains the average of each column in SKEW.TEMP.TRAIN.

Code and Output:



Q5 (8 Points)

Run the following code line-by-line and observe what is happening.

x=c(x,3) #DO NOT CHANGE
x=c(x,4) #DO NOT CHANGE
x=c(x,5) #DO NOT CHANGE
print(x) #DO NOT CHANGE
## [1] 3 4 5

Below, I created two empty objects named SUMMER.WIND and WINTER.WIND. I want you to loop through each row in TRAIN.FINAL moving through the data in chronological order. If the row involves a summer month (June, July, or August), I want you to add the wind speed of that day to SUMMER.WIND. If the row involves a winter month (December, January, or February), I want you to add the wind speed of that day to WINTER.WIND. For the rows involving other months, you should not add those wind speeds to either object, and you should ignore them.

Also, your code needs to utilize a loop and an if/if-else structure(s) or you will get 0 points. At the end, SUMMER.WIND and WINTER.WIND should be vectors.

The last line of code performs a basic t-test . In the space provided below, I want you to explain what this t-test function is being used to test and summarise what we learn about wind speed from this t-test. Write in complete sentences using words as if you were explaining this to someone who knows very little about statistics. Explain what you learned about Wind speed, do not just explain what a t-test is. Try to avoid phrases like “reject null hypothesis”, “accept alternative hypothesis”, or “population mean is not equal to 0”. These types of phrases should be reworded in the context of wind speed. Use a significance level of 0.05 for making your conclusion

Code and Output (4 Points):


for(j in 1:1461){             #DO NOT CHANGE
}              #DO NOT CHANGE



Part 3: Creating Two New Variables Helpful for Time Series Data

When you have data that is organized chronologically, there are some cool features of the data we can explore using lags, differences, moving averages, moving ranges, etc. In this section, we will only create these variables in the training dataset named TRAIN.FINAL. Typically, we would also want to create these same variables in the testing dataset named TEST.FINAL.

Q1 (3 Points)

We can create a new variable called Temp_Change in TRAIN.FINAL that currently contains all missing values. If we wanted to change the 4th observation of Temp_Change to 32, we could use the code TRAIN.FINALTemp_Change[4]=32. Each value of Temp_Change can be calculated from the following formula:

\(\textrm{Temp_Change}=\textrm{Temperature Today}-\textrm{Temperature Yesterday}\)

Use a loop to replace each missing value in the new variable called Temp_Change with the actual value according to the formula. If you don’t use a loop, you will lose points. Then, create a line plot that shows the change in the Temp_Change variable over time according to the Date variable. A line plot is useful when plotting a variable over time when there is only one measurement per time point. Also, Notice how the x-axis is formatted since we converted our original date variable to a “date” variable in R. Use the ggplot2 package for making this graphic ONLY.

Code and Output:




#Put Code for Plot Here


Q2 (7 Points)

We create a new variable called Temperature 3-Day Average in TRAIN.FINAL that starts with all missing values. Each value of Temperature 3-Day Average represents a 3-day moving average and can be calculated from the following formula:

\(\textrm{Temperature 3-Day Average}=\frac{\textrm{Temperature Yesterday}+\textrm{Temperature Today}+\textrm{Temperature Tomorrow}}{3}\)

Also, we create a new variable called Temperature 5-Day Average in TRAIN.FINAL that starts with all missing values. Each value of Temperature 5-Day Average can be calculated using a formula similar to the one above. You will need to see the pattern.

Use a loop(s) to replace each missing value in the new variable called Temperature 3-Day Average with the actual value according to the formula, and replace each missing value in the new variable called Temperature 5-Day Average with the actual value according to a similar modified formula for a 5-day moving average. If you don’t use any loop(s), you will get 0 points.

Finally, I want you to use ggplot2 functions to create a line plot with multiple lines. In this plot, the Date variable should be on the x-axis. The y-axis, should be called “Temperature”. There should be one line that shows the change in daily temperature for the dates in TRAIN.FINAL. There should be another line that shows the change in the 3-day moving average of temperature for the dates in TRAIN.FINAL. There should be one last line that shows the change in the 5-day moving average of temperature for the dates in TRAIN.FINAL. I want all three of these lines to have different colors and different line types (dashed, etc.). I want you to use a transparency of “alpha=0.2” for the line that you put on top of the other lines, and I want you to use a transparency of “alpha=0.6” for the line that you put in the middle of the two lines. I DO NOT want you to create a legend for these three lines.

Code and Output:

TRAIN.FINAL$`Temperature 3-Day Average`=NA #DO NOT CHANGE
TRAIN.FINAL$`Temperature 5-Day Average`=NA #DO NOT CHANGE


TRAIN.FINAL$`Temperature 3-Day Average`[1:20] #DO NOT CHANGE
TRAIN.FINAL$`Temperature 5-Day Average`[1:20] #DO NOT CHANGE

#Put Code for Plot Here